Trails, Transport & Connectivity Guidelines
To develop and support the delivery of guidelines for the Moonee Ponds Creek that helps provide a unique identity.
Design guidelines for the creek are a priority for the collaborators. Design guidelines can be applied at two scales. At a high level, to influence private land development, via the planning system, and protect public land. And at a more detailed level, through a consistent approach to built structures in the public realm.
Development and implementation of design guidelines need a collaborative approach – where multiple land use managers can work to a common vision. Individual councils or government authorities working on these topics is not as efficient as a combined approach.
Planning policy design guidelines can influence outcomes such as:
- Protecting environmental and landscape values
- Floodplain management
- Interface between private and public realm
- Conservation of places of heritage
- Protection of major open space corridors
- Reducing the impact of stormwater on waterbodies
Public realm design guidelines can lead to outcomes such as:
- Consistent signage / lighting / facilities that give a sense of being in one catchment/corridor – rather than being on several separate councils and authorities’ land
- Coordinated improvements to walking and cycling networks, bridges and crossings
- Creating environments that are safe and attractive
- Improving connectivity - of the catchment, biolinks and habitat, spaces, and social connectivity.
- Creating a cohesive character and identity along the creek – through a linear park and landscape character
- Honouring the waterway and the history and culture associated with it.
To facilitate connectivity and sense of cohesive character and identity along the creek corridor, the Trails, Transport and Connectivity Working Group, have drafted a document that provides guidelines relating to access, facilities, signage, landscape character, lighting and cultural heritage.
Outcomes to date:
- Draft Guidelines developed
- 3 meetings held in 2019 to progress the thinking
- Funding for an editor
In 2021, Working for Victoria employees at Moonee Valley Council mapped over 2300 assets on the creek. This is an exciting project and all the possible avenues and uses of this data are still being explored. Out soon.