Getting to Know Julie Law

Julie Law is a long-time friend and advocate of the Moonee Ponds Creek, and one of the first people to be involved in protecting the creek. A local resident of the area, Julie became involved when she attended community planting days and has since fostered a life-long love for the creek and surrounds.
Along with her close friend Kim Westcombe, Julie has been involved in many aspects of the Creek’s protection and re-naturalisation. She was instrumental in opposing the Cambridge Gardens development, which threatened the nearby wetland.
Julie has fond memories of plantings over the years and watching the next generation becoming involved. She remembers assisting at a National Tree Day event run by Melbourne Water, the Moonee Ponds Creek Coordination Committee and Hume Council in which primary school children planted trees along the Creek’s banks.
Julie loves all the varied flora and fauna that can be found at Moonee Ponds Creek, but her favourites are the old River Red Gums and the Gold Dust Wattle. She remembers spotting a Wedgetailed Eagle catching a snake in the early 90s and marvelling at the many species that live and hunt in the area. Her advice is to simply be quiet and listen to discover the many animals that call Moonee Ponds Creek home.
Lovely photo and great words though we must add to this the legendary trays of scones with jam and cream, Julie and Kim’s signature dish at the Upper Moonee Ponds Creek plantings. Freshly baked and fabulous!!
Hi Anna, My goodness – this message got lost in backend of this website! Yum, I’m sorry I missed out on the scones. They sound delicious, maybe they’d be open to passing on the recipe to new leads for Friends of Upper MPC. 😉